Long ago, a ripple in the fabric of the universe created a wormhole, causing TINY SPIRITS to leak into the underground.

Ant kingdoms rose from the depths of the earth to defeat the evil Tiny Spirits of the underworld. The spirits held a godly energy that would bring prosperity to whoever could harness it.

The renowned ant kingdoms of PERSIA, the SAMURAI, and the VIKINGS, all seeking this POWER, battling one another along the way, sent their Nobles on missions to defeat the Tiny Spirits and bring their extraordinary abilities back to their colonies. A Noble who fulfilled this arduous task gained the highly desired title of 'ELDER'. Elders got to keep a portion of the energy for themselves, and would forever be treated like royalty in their colonies.

Some Nobles, upon defeating a Spirit and capturing their energy, recognized its true power and decided to never return to their kingdoms, keeping the energy for themselves. Nobles that stole the Spirit Energy were now called Sorcerers. They dedicated their lives to protecting the spirits from the ant kingdoms. Thousands of years later, a group of Tiny Scientists arrived to bring balance to the Underground.

The tinyverse

Long ago, a ripple in the fabric of the universe created a wormhole, causing TINY SPIRITS to leak into the underground.

Ant kingdoms rose from the depths of the earth to defeat the evil Tiny Spirits of the underworld. The spirits held a godly energy that would bring prosperity to whoever could harness it.

The renowned ant kingdoms of PERSIA, the SAMURAI, and the VIKINGS, all seeking this POWER, battling one another along the way, sent their Nobles on missions to defeat the Tiny Spirits and bring their extraordinary abilities back to their colonies. A Noble who fulfilled this arduous task gained the highly desired title of 'ELDER'. Elders got to keep a portion of the energy for themselves, and would forever be treated like royalty in their colonies.

Some Nobles, upon defeating a Spirit and capturing their energy, recognized its true power and decided to never return to their kingdoms, keeping the energy for themselves. Nobles that stole the Spirit Energy were now called Sorcerers. They dedicated their lives to protecting the spirits from the ant kingdoms.

Thousands of years later, a group of Tiny Scientists arrived to bring balance to the Underground.
Deep down in the underground, before there was life, Dharma was brought into existence. She was born out of the planet’s willingness to evolve itself, create life, death and everything in between to work with or against the rules of the Universe.

Bright flashes of energy and space collided in the dark, entangling, bonding. The friction of time and space against each other eventually caused an explosion of energy that became Dharma, the Queen of the Spirits. Her being embraced the light and the dark and defined the good and evil for the centuries to come.
The Legend of Dharma
For the first several million years of existence, Dharma roamed silently throughout the worlds, transcending time and space, and paying visits to her current malleable base of operations she started on; the Tinyverse. As time and space created more and more beings, the first coherent species were Creatures.

The earliest Creatures witnessed imitations of Dharma throughout the lands. She would appear to them as a glowing figure, hovering high above the ground, embodying the features of the Underground. The energy inside her created a solid foundation for life and death.
The Persian Ant Empire was one of the largest ant colonies of the underground. Their strength in numbers and unmatched strategies in battle outscaled any other empire, allowing unchecked growth for the perceivable future.

Much like his ancestors, King Parsyus has always planned to use his wealth of soldiers and alliances to take over as much land and its desirables as possible. He reigns as if nothing can stop them. Even with alliances being built, King Parsyus believes that his eye for battle and leadership is unmatched.

At the core of the Persian Empire was the Fire Temple, an undying fire that stayed lit for thousands of years.
The Everlasting Fire was a beacon of ethics, moral codes, and the overall passion for the kingdom and the land it protects. The presence of the new Spirit Energy changed the course of history by extinguishing the eternal flame with a cool breeze and destroying the temple in a fiery destruction. As the Spirits entered through the Wormhole, they sparked madness, doubt and fear throughout the Persian Ant Empire.

The Persians saw the undying fire completely singed and smoked out. Their world now cold as it has ever been they looked to their great Leader to rebuild and bring back their history and will to live.

Realizing that the Spirits had great power inside them, King Parsyus gathered his greatest Nobles and tasked them with hunting them down and returning whatever power the Nobles had salvaged.
The Samurai Ant Kingdom was one of the most resilient kingdoms of the underground, itscore strengths being honor and respect for their culture. They exist as a vastly interconnected set of communities. Through daily meditation Emperor Hotaru - Leader of the Samurai - discovered the power of the Spirits.

Emperor Hotaru is a thorough and majestic leader who created a united community and a kingdom regime that trusts his judgment and follows his lead. Keeping a watchful eye on the mindfulness of his kingdom, Hotaru practices what he preaches.. He scouted battle formations and let his inner self speak the truths. He relies on his gut feeling as much as the decades of leadership experience when choosing the “right” way to do things.
His capabilities as a Leader became all the more pronounced when the Spirits reached out through the ether to Hotaru. They made him aware of the great energy his leadership had brought to the community. Even decades after the Spirits leaked into the Underground, Emperor Hotaru made certain that his kingdom did not shift in dynamic, that each warrior and citizen was on the right path, and chose good over evil in everyday quests.

While trying to connect with the Spirit world further, Emperor Hotaru was contacted by the Elder Ant Spirits who sought protection from the Persian and Viking Kingdoms.

The Elder Ant Spirits told Emperor Hotaru that his Kingdom's positive energy made it possible for the Spirit World to connect with the Samurai and seek their help.

The Spirits offered Peaceful Passage to the other side, and in return they asked for Eternal Protection. Emperor Hotaru, valuing the afterlife and everlasting peace for himself, his family and the entire kingdom, accepted this bold offer from the Spirits.
Long before Sorcerers became the most feared beings in existence, there was the Viking Kingdom. Lead by the almighty King Hefna, along with his Queen Yrsa, who were taken from Valhalla and given the charge of leading this Viking faction to victory.

Since then, Hefna and his noble wife, who is just as fearless, have ruled the Viking faction. They stuck to their regions and were consumed by the cold, the dark and the eerie. Now they own the North. Across the Tinyverse it is all theirs, with factions and outposts set up throughout.

Vikings will protect the North with everything they have got. Legend has it that along the North passage there are tales inscribed on the ice cave rocks, telling of the great battles Hefna and Yrsa went through in a previous life.
They are the only ones to stand next to the Persian Empire, believing in many of the same values and sharing the same fears of being forever forgotten or overruled. The Vikings also saw this as a great opportunity to build an alliance with a kingdom that trumps them in size. This alliance would aid the Vikings in destroying the almighty Samurai.

The Ant Vikings are the most ferocious of the Tiny Kingdoms. Their intense and intimidating nature always keeps the other kingdoms at bay.

Once the Samurai established their alliance with the Spirit World, the Persians and the Vikings formed an alliance against them. Both kingdoms determined that the Samurai would be simply too powerful and needed to be stopped.
Sorcerers - once Noble ants from a kingdom - started creating groups of colonies scattered throughout the Tinyverse. They hid in the deep forests of the Nests to rebuild and learn this new life. An entire Light and Dark world lives within the Sorcerer’s realm.

Deception and magic camouflage are key skills that help Sorcerers prevent their Hideouts from being exposed. Many abandon the task of looking for a Sorcerer Hideout after losing their way in the mysteriously conjured smoke and fog, or encountering decrepit forest dwellings.

Smoke and fog are a clear sign for any experienced Nobles that a Sorcerer's Hideout is nearby. It’s also a sign of death for all others untrained in the ways of a Noble Warrior.

Many Hideouts are dark, angular forests that twist and turn through the ghostly fog. Some are built around old temples, designed in another life. Some are sewn into the land and buried throughout the hills. Usually, a vile layer of swampy water separates the Hideout entrances from the rest of the forest.
Spirit Chambers are sacred landmarks that are housed as landing spots for the influx of Spirits through the Wormhole. Only Sorcerers and Spirits know of these Chambers.

Sorcerers young and old are drawn to these places. It is a sign of the end of the line for Wicked Sorcerers to show up at the Chambers. They know they are close to death and would like to go out with “honor”.

The Sorcerers of the Light protect the Creatures and keep a window open for Spirits to reappear and adapt throughout history. They have spiritual quests they diverge on and, as a result, disappear out of sight frequently.

Wicked Sorcerers have to be on an even higher alert while traversing the Tinyverse. They are all-powerful and some of the most feared beings on the planet, but can attract too much attention from independent Clans. Too much fighting can leave them temporarily weakened while they conjure more Spirit Energy. It’s easier for the Wicked Sorcerers to stay silent and creep through the shadows.

The Spirits actively search the Tiny underground for Wicked Sorcerers with the intention of sending them to Ciraiyll, the lingering wasteland for captured Sorcerers.
Tiny Scientists were humans of the world above, who courageously shrunk themselves to maximize their chances of survival on a rapidly decaying planet.

Though the uber-geniuses were successful in this experiment, they were not prepared for the world of chaos that awaited them in the Underground.
They quickly fortified their Tiny Labs, burying deeper into the Underground, with technology as their advantage, and with their greatest invention next to come.

These lands are fuelled by science, and the elements of the world above and the Underground. Being a new species in the Underground presents a new mystery. Where will they go next? What new experiments have they hidden up their sleeves to make progress in this new world?
The Tiny Spirits rose and revealed themselves when they sensed an imbalance in the Tinyverse.

Present in the fabrics of the Tinyverse since the beginning of time itself, the Spirits have witnessed all - the light and the dark. Spirits hold a godly energy that can bring prosperity, but only to those who can harness it. Many others were corrupted with evil intentions or were destroyed after coming in contact with the wrong Spirit Gem.

There are many Spirit archetypes, each defined by a certain emotion. In particular, anger and sadness create unstable Spirits.
The Spirit Energy is a collection of all lost souls, ants, creatures, and everything alike. Their souls are what gives the Spirit its power. Good souls feed the Spirits of the Light, and the evil ones feed Evil Spirits.

The more natural the death of a being was, the more power it produces for the Spirits to consume.

The Underground now forever hold the Spirit Energy close. The lands naturally react to the Energy and create fantastical visions throughout each night and wondrous beauty throughout each day.
Eventually, time and space created more and more, but the first coherent species were Creatures, who made certain areas their home, feeding off the newly sprouting vegetation. They are the only species alive today that have seen Dharma, the Elder Spirit.

In the beginning, there was nothing but Nests, the free-to-roam lands of vegetation that stretched as far as the eye could see. Their only inhabitants were small, docile animals reminiscent of cats, dogs, birds, snakes, and livestock, some of them all combined. Their sizes ranged based on their characteristics and place of origin.
Creatures near the snow-covered Northern Mountains - eventually colonized by Vikings and now known as NorseHills - are much stronger and resilient to harsh conditions, leaving them less open to negative emotions. They possess a hardened exterior, and no amount of negativity can make them break down and morph into an Unknown. Very few Creatures have even become an Unknown.

Most Creatures were introduced to the Elder Spirit after a brief period of being on their own. The Spirit looked different depending on where she appeared. Some Creatures drinking from a small oasis looked up to see a glowing figure of an ethereal being, hovering above the water they drink from.

Dharma brought together the Creatures of the Tinyverse, creating the only ever true unity this world has seen.
There were no such things as Sorcerers before the Spirits time-jumped into this world. For it was the Nobles of each Kingdom — preeminent warriors, scouts and alchemists among ants — to investigate, infiltrate and eliminate the Spirits.

King Parsyus of the Persian Empire sent his Nobles out to bring back whatever the head of a Spirit may be. He tasked his great Nobles with finding out what happens when you capture a Spirit, either dead or alive.

The Samurai Kingdom sat in silence. Emperor Hotaru waited for the Spirits to contact him.

As King Parsyus sent his Warriors to some of the known locations of the Spirits, so did King Hefna of the Viking Colony. These areas came to be known as Spirit Hotspots.
What they encountered transcended space and time. It was the aftermath of a crystal explosion in the middle of the hills. An array of deep space colors permeated the heaps of crystal fragments strewn across the valley. Completely out of place.
Nobles almost become untouchable the moment they obtain the Spirit Energy. Between time; looking inside the Spirit Energy they saw everything one could ever imagine. Pure, endless power - and within that moment, most were consumed.
Many disobeyed orders and hid throughout the lands until it was considered “safe” to come out and head back to their Kingdom. Some Nobles couldn’t bear the shame of returning without something and never went back to their Kingdom. They simply found a Clan to join or lived alone for the rest of their days.

Very few Nobles made it back from the first encounter with the Spirits. Some of the brave ones who claimed Spirit Energy vanished into the night, to start a new life. Taking the power for themselves, becoming a feared Sorcerer.
Clans are small Hero communities spread around the open greens of the Nest Colony. They live off the land, believe in different stories, and follow the elected Leader of their respective Clan.

Clans are the most devout Tinyverse servants.

They live off the land, and in return, they live for the land, feeding off the natural inhabitants. Most Clans hunt the free-roaming Creatures, forage wild fruits and edible plants. Each Clan has their respective roles for their members and all are hard-working societies.

The Clans were created by Nomad Heroes as a safe haven for those without a kingdom, and drew outcasts from all over to live in the Nests. Some fell during battle, only to get up and be forgotten, others were taken captive and then escaped. Nests became home to all those who no longer had one. The only outsiders a Clan will not host are Nobles, no matter the tales they tell. Heroes and Nobles have unfinished business with each other that runs centuries deep.
The Nests are located at the crossroads between kingdoms, making them a stage for some epic moments in the history of Tinyverse. Cavalries of soldiers have met in the open grasslands to exchange news and negotiate.

The Nests are vast lands of wilderness and fruitful vegetation compared to the rest of the Tinyverse. It is not always safe, especially at night. There are Wicked Sorcerers that use the same passages as others at night. A Clan is safe as long as they have their Clan members around. Ever since the Spirits poured into the lands and caused a bull rush of dominance and power-hungry Leaders to scour every last place on the map, being alone was never good odds. For there could be spies hiding in any dark crevice.

Legends tell of a Hero from an unknown Clan who might have been the only Ant to have encountered Dharma - the Elder Spirit before her disappearance forever. This is all but Tiny folklore that certain Clans still believe, and use the story to inspire those in their communities.
When a Noble successfully returns to their colony after defeating a Spirit and capturing its Energy, they are granted the grand title of an Elder. This is a prestigious title not obtained by many. Every successful Noble was welcomed back with a triumphant celebration.

Every Elder is gifted a portion of the Spirit Energy for themselves as a sign of good faith from the King. Proclaimed fighters for the Light, they would forever be treated like royalty in their respective colonies.
Elders are portrayed similarly to the Sorcerers, although their powers are significantly less effective and visible. A Sorcerer gains their energy from the dark portals, whereas the Elders are empowered by the Light. Elders are tasked with overseeing internal politics and making sure their newfound powers are used to better the colony.

It is not just Noble Warriors that can become Elders in the colony, for any Ant willing to risk life and limb and return with the Spirit Energy is given the distinguished title of Elder.